Soo... It was kinda a boring day today. BUT! I wore a Superman shirt for Best Week Ever! WOOHOO!! This morning, I blew up on Langford (accounting teacher) for about 20 minutes. Until he finally let the sophomore team play in the volleyball tournament tonight.
After accounting, I went to Algebra with Holland! That was funny. I can get her so sidetracked. Half the class period was us just talking to her! :) Well.. the whole day I was texting you pretty much.
You can't go to soar! Which is sad. I haven't ever been so it better be amazazing! just sayin! Summer is going to be weird with you gone.
THEN! Okay so tonight was the tournament. Guess what was there!!!! The Chick-fil-a Cow!!! I got a picture with it! I'm gonna try to figure out how to post pictures on this thing so maybe I can show you on here! haha It was pretty great! So I played 2 games of volleyball. We lost to Matt's team though. and Matt's team beat the varsity girls! So all is good.
Annywayyyys.... I'm not really sure what to put on here so I'm just winging it lol
I'm kinda tired and it's only 8:30. I think it's going to be an early night. and I have a chemistry test tomorrow morning! woohooo!... not! :P
Love you and Goodnight
Hey girl!! yesterday and today have seemed so long! i enjoyed talking to you most the day yesterday though! my sholder got to feeling better yesterday till one of the guys up here gave e a huge bear hug and brought me almost to my knees! then i woke up this morning and it hurt almost as bad as it was hurting saturday! i manned up and flew today though, although i had to take 3 advil and 2 tynoal to get through it! lol im sitting on my coutch now with a bag of frozen raspberries on it! lol
ReplyDeletei dont think im going to be employed much longer! my boss is more by-polor than both of us on a bad day combined! lol hes been flipping out all week and i think hes beenoff his meds. he keeps saying hes foing to sell the place and start fireing people and just start doing all the ebay stuff (which is what i do) himself. and this morning hes was yelling at pretty much the guy who does everything in the office and is the only guythat tays late and works on his cars and that guy walked out! so its going to get intresting!
school today was great! my first class we just turned in our paper and signed in and left then my next class was a talkback with the cast of a play we have to go to and no one has seen it yet so there was no questions being aske so we got out of there super early!! then my last class is weight training and with a bumb sholder i didnt do to much training! lol so that mad the day plesent!
welll tahts about all i got for now! i have a lil reading to do for scholl tomorrow that i have to get started on! i cant wait to see u and everyone else this weekend!!! wahooo!
Love you
i like the pic btw! thats so funny!